Artificial Vision

For Authors

Call for Papers

  • Present your scientific work and research results at Artificial Vision 2023. Please, submit your contributions (abstract in English, max. 300 words) by April 30th, 2023.
  • If there are more submissions than oral talk slots, we reserve the right to kindly ask you to prepare a poster presentation instead.
  • For detailed information, please refer to the Call for Papers.

Abstract Submission

General Information: All authors are invited to submit a structured abstract (300 words) for the given topics. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and if accepted published online in a supplement issue of the journal " Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering“ by De Gruyter (free access)

Instructions for Authors: All abstract submissions must be submitted using the online Submission System on this site. For the Online Submission system, you need to login with your user account or if necessary, create a new user.

A new abstract can be submitted after login using this link: Submit a paper.

All abstracts need to adhere to the provided structure in the online form consisting of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion with a limit of 300 words. Exceeding the max. paper length will lead to rejection.

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